We are delighted to announce the official event presenters for Ropecraft Chicago 2023 – Ropecraft Rebound!
Our instructors are traveling in from all over the country to share rope taught, learned and invented all over the globe – nice rope, mean rope, sexy rope, fast rope, traditional kinbaku, floorwork, self-suspension, partner-suspension, predicament play, western rope, switching, connective rope and more. Some are additionally teaching related topics in sexuality, relationships, aerial arts and burlesque!
There is something for everybody to learn from the most excited beginner to the decades-long hobbyist including a number of classes designed just for our event. We appreciate so much these folks for coming to share their time and talents with us!
Chicago 2023 Presenters
Air, GoodFoxy & Kaylee
BlkDiamond and HisAmira
Chingon_Cuerdas, ADelightfulPain and Sybil
Jake Wing and Sleepless Siren
JerseyGirl and Chopain
Luke Wolfram
March and Pinchinawa
Miss Acacia and Zzafalyssa
MsReemah and Lavender
Niho_Mano and Nkay A’mano
OkieNawa and DancingSpirit
RexErotes and Shay1356
Shakti Bliss
Shay Tiziano
Skyla and RedKnots
Shouldered and Visian
Worldsokayestropebunny and Magnolia