DoNotGoGently is the Winner of our ROPECRAFT/Karma Rope/Twisted Monk POC Safe Space Scholarship!
The purpose of this scholarship is to enable an individual to attend ROPECRAFT-NOLA with the intention of facilitating a POC Safe Space (or more than one) as well as provide education about diversity and other related issues for attendees, staff, and presenters.
The grant consists of the following:
- Two Full Comp Passes to the Complete Weekend Event
- A Dedicated Space for the POC Safe Space and related activities
- Travel Stipend (courtesy of Karma Rope)
- Hotel Room Stipend (courtesy of Twisted Monk)
- The support of the ROPECRAFT staff and volunteers in producing the Safe Space event
Here’s what she has to say:
Thank you for choosing me to take on the incredibly important task of creating a safe space for POC kinksters. I’m looking forward to bringing many of the skills I’ve honed in my academic and professional life into my kink sphere and delving into what it means to be a POC in the kink world. But even more so, I’m extremely excited to have this opportunity from Ropecraft NOLA, Twisted Monk, and Karma Rope to engage and connect with such a diverse and sex positive crowd.
Thank You!