
Imagine a room full of people sharing one passion: rope bondage. Students, teachers, enthusiasts, tops, bottoms, newbies, “Old Knotty” types. All together in the same place.

Imagine the freedom to ask all of them – the entire room – any question you had about rope. Imagine being able to tell them about your particular passion – suspension, predicament, cbt, performance, left-handed traditional Celtic weaves.

Whatever it is, they want to hear you share it.

And they’re going to share their passions, too. Japanese bondage. Arms-free chest harnesses. Orgasmic hip weaves. Agonizing torture ties. Leather and rope and service and sex and consent and nasal passage predicament play.

Yeah. That actually happened.

Imagine a space where instead of the staff telling you what to learn, they ask ”What do you want to do?” And then help you figure out how to do it.

Imagine a space where all this happens for hours, classes changing into discussions flowing into skillshares with rope, rope, and more rope.

That’s what a ROPENSPACE is – a completely unique experience custom-made to fit your interests, your skills, your passion. Of course, there is one thing that you have to do to make sure that happens:

You have to be there.

At RopenSpace, we have talked about: community leadership Being Leather and Rope Painful Leg Ties for Fun & Orgasms GRUE Mad, Bro? Practical Weaves Airbari A No-Cinch TK Harness Futo Variations Stuff You Can Do With A Stick Hip-Harness Workshop Reprise of Hojojitsu Class Balloon Bondage Self-Suspension Uplines for Transitions Lyrical Domination - Creating Emotion ...all of this and more!

I love not quite knowing what I am going to learn and at the same time knowing that I can learn or share exactly what I love the most.

In the words of Twisted View, one of our first Ropenspace Factilitators:

“…I love the energy of an open space event. Everyone is usually much more engaged in the classes. They are all really excited about the classes because they are the ones that created the schedule that morning. The board is filled with their passion and you can just feel it.

Open spaces are completely unpredictable. I’ve been to lots of cons and organized lots of educational events where the presenters and classes were all known well ahead of time…I get a lot more excited about the unpredictability of open space events.

Over the years I have seen a lot of things that normally wouldn’t be taught in a class…Sometimes it is world class presenters who want to try out a new class that they are passionate about but haven’t flushed out into a structured class yet. Sometimes it is a topic that doesn’t fit nicely into the standard time slot. Imagine someone has come up with a new single column tie that they really want to share. Would any con pick that for a 1.5 hour time slot? No. I wouldn’t want to sit through more than 30 minutes of going over that tie and discussing differences. Now imagine someone is really passionate about talking about building better rope communities. Would that fit into a class slot? Not really. That is the kind of topic that could go on for hours. I saw it happen at one of the first RopenSpaces.

I love not quite knowing what I am going to learn and at the same time knowing that I can learn or share exactly what I love the most. There have been times that I have really wanted to learn about a specific thing that isn’t normally taught. All I had to do was write it down on a piece of paper, stick it up on the wall and I almost always had at least a few people who love doing it teach me how to do it. At some events I really want to share something that I really love and open spaces give me that opportunity.

RopenSpaces are all about passion and that is why I love facilitating them so much.”

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